IEM’s WISE Advanced Query System gives the user the power to detect long-term and short-term trends in all forms of wheel data, and use these trends to predict the need for wheel maintenance. In addition these analyses can reveal wheel misalignments and other problems which are not limited to individual wheel wear.

Key Features and Benefits:

  • Accessed easily through IEM’s Remote Client interface
  • Maintains secure database of all wheels passing through system
  • Tracks individual wheels, axles, cars
  • Analyze trends in wheel wear across entire installations, particular time periods, individual train cars, and others
  • Know when a wheel will need servicing before it happens – prevent expensive unscheduled downtime
  • Long-term wear trending and maintenance demand estimation
  • Detect patterns of wear indicative of other problems – truck hunting/misalignment, track wear in a particular region, etc.

IEM’s WISE Advanced Query System (AQS)Wheel Management System saves time and money while improving the safety and ease of maintenance of wheels and associated rolling stock components.