The weight and mass distribution in a vehicle are important for a number of applications. Most common is the need to determine whether a commercial vehicle is within required weight limits, but many other applications are known, including monitoring bridge loads. For many of these uses, it would be highly desirable to use weigh-in-motion (WIM) systems because it offers a simple solution that does not require vehicles to exit the highway for weigh checks. However, current WIM technologies have all presented numerous drawbacks – depending on the specific approach – of cost, inaccuracy, fragility, maintenance difficulty, or several of these problems. All known systems are highly dependent on pavement condition and a strict set of vehicle requirements for speed and straight line of travel to obtain good results. And even under the best of circumstances, “good results” are seldom good enough for anything short of screening.

IEM has developed a system able to accurately and reliably obtain weight and weight distribution data for a vehicle in motion, while eliminating the key variables deriving from variations in pavement/ground surface, constant vehicle speed, and other confounding variables limiting success of prior approaches. Using proprietary and innovative designs and software algorithms, IEM’s Weigh In Motion system is also relatively small and compact, able to be transported and deployed to locations both as a fixed system embedded in highway or as a portable system that can be set up by two people in a short period of time This affordable system provides the desired data conveniently, quickly, and accurately.