Commercial Vehicle Inspection System

Law enforcement officers conduct more than a million CMV inspections nationwide per year. Current procedures involve manually writing the information, entering data into a laptop computer, and printing a form to document the inspection. IEM’s ComVIS™ simplifies this entire process. Using a standard, handheld PDA, inspection teams can now remotely access the nationwide Inspection Selection System and Aspen databases during the inspection process.

Key Features and Benefits:

  • Easy to Use: No need to transcribe handwritten forms. Familiar data entry forms reduce the need to learn a new system.
  • Fast and Accurate: Automatic data entry based on bar scans and database connection reduces time and errors.
  • Reduces Inspection Time: Current inspections can take up to 40 minutes per vehicle. ComVIS™ will reduce this time to less than 20 minutes.
  • More Inspections/Safer Public Roads: ComVIS™ enables significantly more inspections in much less time, resulting in safer public roads and highways.
  • Secure Data and Communications: Using state of the art methods, ComVIS™ assures that data files and communications are secure.


ComVIS™ significantly speeds up the entire process from selection of vehicles to be inspected to delivery of an inspection report to the driver. Using optional imaging systems, ComVIS™ can also perform automated brake adjustment measurements without placing the officer at risk and can detect hot brakes, even when the heat is not apparent to touch.